🥹 Inspiration was born

Today my oldest son, Salvador, turns 19...NINETEEN!!!

When Sal was born back in 2004, I was deep in the grind to become a professional artist. Back in those days I would sell my art ANYWHERE and I continued to do this during my entire pregnancy.

Left: Listening to Stevie Wonder | Right: Tummy time with Sal

Sal came into the world via emergency C-Section, so I took the traditional 40 days to recover and get to know my boy.

During that time I became extremely inspired to draw. I would draw for hours every day while Sal slept. And when he woke up I would show him all my drawings one by one. I knew that an infant baby's vision is quite sensitive, but something about staring at my drawings mesmerized Sal.

Left: Tiny Drummer painting inspired by Sal || Right: Sal always playing with my art mannequin

Inspired by Sal's infant interest and reactions to my drawings, I continued to draw and built a collection of doodles and illustrations that was EPIC.

When I came out of my "new mom quarantine" I hit the ground running and my new buddy Sal came with me to EVERYTHING. Sal spent the first few years of his life attending art shows & markets with me and going to music gigs and concerts with his dad (my hubby Abdias is a musician). Sal was the ultimate sidekick and we all LOVED it.

Sal playing percussion through the years

Today this young man that we made is one of the most talented humans I know. He's an incredible drummer, musician, artist, film enthusiast, video editor, baker, face painting model and the most loving, sweet, selfless and hard-working son.

So I invite you to visit any of my social media today and help me wish Sal a Happy 19th Birthday on any today's posts!

Thank you for celebrating with me!


Carolina The Doodler


💃 The Fancy Series


😊 Left Handed Coloring Books?