🥸 Artist block? Play this game!

When I don't know what to doodle, I play a SUPER FUN game to help me get unstuck. You can play too!

It's so easy, anyone can do it! Here's how:

Grab a blank sheet of paper

  1. Write a list of every object, person, animal, symbol or feeling you can think of. (make the list as long as possible).

  2. With a pair of scissors, cut out each word to make a bunch of tiny strips of paper with a word each.

  3. Fold all the tiny words and put them in a small jar or container

  4. When you want to doodle, pick a random word from the jar and doodle it.

  5. If you're feeling adventurous, grab up to 3 pieces and doodle a mashup of the three words.

I have been playing this "Doodle Mashup Game" with my family for YEARS and it's one of the most fun ways to get our creative juices flowing.

The most important thing to keep in mind is to NOT judge your doodles, look at them as practice and use them as inspiration to get out of your art funk.

Try the game on your own or with a friend and let me know how it goes!


🫣 I'm so embarrassed...


💃 The Fancy Series