😮 Do you practice?

If you're a face painter you probably love what you do and you're super proud of your work. But have you ever set a time for intentional practice?

Face Painters don't always think about practicing because this is a skill that once you learn the fundamentals, you can paint pretty much anything on anyone. 🤓 I've even heard some say that they "practice at gigs" and I'm here to ask you to NEVER consider your gigs an opportunity to practice.

Your clients hire you because they want worry-free entertainment at their events. They expect that you will arrive prepared and ready to "perform" and make them look good in front of their guests.

"But Carolina, I practice when there are no guests in my line" you say.

When you're the face painter at an event, even when there's no line, someone is ALWAYS watching. So I prefer to continue "performing" even during down time.

All this means is that I continue to paint my own arm or face but I do it facing the event so everyone can clearly see what I'm doing. My goal is that even if no one is getting painted for a moment, whoever is watching is still entertained.

So today I want to encourage you to become intentional about practicing and refining your skills so when you do get hired for events, you show up as the most amazing version of yourself and impress your clients.

🤓 Here are a few practice tips:

  • Paint on a practice board

  • Paint on your arms and thighs 

  • Practice painting your own face 

  • If there are kids or other accessible and bribable humans around you, paint them.

  • When you practice on yourself, you can work on line work, paint flow, new designs and speed.

  • For speed you can paint the same design several times and time yourself to beat your own record.

🎥 Check out Today's Tiny Tutorial Video on Facebook for one of my favorite practice exercises to do under 5 minutes.


Struggling with practice or anything else? Reply and let's chat! (I'm here for you)

What you missed yesterday: 🥸 Doodle drama...book update!


🥳 Freebie Friday!


🥸 My book update!